Immigration in America {My Opinion: Most Americans Got Here That Way!}

Fact:  Before America took them in the Mexican-American War, the parts of the United States that belonged to Mexico included California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, as well as portions of Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas, and Oklahoma. This occurred in 1848 with the signing of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

#Human Beings

Firstly, I believe that the earth is ours to claim as a home and #mother for both animals and man (who is also an animal).  I will deal with Homo Sapien animal and migration for the purposes of this article, not that I feel our bodies or spirits are high above that of our beloved animal friends, but because when dealing with immigration laws, we are dealing with Homo Sapiens.  Also, we must understand what is acceptable human behavior if we want to understand immigration and have fair #laws concerning it.

In #America, we base laws governing human rights on a belief " that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to #abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."  That is, of course, if the people abolishing said government are equipped to do so. 

Do we believe all men are created equal?  If we do, do we agree entirely with the Declaration of Independence, in that they are capable of making decisions with regard to pursuing their own happiness, even if it means ownership of the land of their fathers? The Declaration of Independence gives #AmericanCitizens the right to abolish destructive government.  However, we all know that if we even mention it, that could cause a lot of trouble, and THAT, my friend, is another blog post.

First Come, First Serve?

It has been said that good law is whatever is accepted at the time as law.  Hmmm.

What happens to the #indigenous peoples when other more terroristic groups migrate into their territory?  It appears that 'first come, first serve' does not come into play with regard to immigration.  In almost every case throughout the history of the world, the indigenous peoples of any land are almost always displaced by those who are more hostile, more powerful and more organized.  

Also, surprisingly there is no strength in numbers when it comes to immigration or land takeover.  What actually comes into play is that the people who are taking over the land must be ruthless in their pursuit of what they feel is "theirs" and they must be able to back up their claims with strength, #unity, #weapons of mass #destruction (chemical, biological or otherwise), mind control and even promotion of some 'god-given right'.  If the indigenous peoples are humble, physically weak, not immune to the invader's diseases or non-violent, they are a done deal.

Typically, indigenous peoples take over the land from the animals and forests that were there before them (yes, trees are people too), then a stronger people in search of land and natural resources will take over the land from the indigenous inhabitants, usually enslaving them, imprisoning them, intermarrying with them, banishing them or killing them with disease or weapons (or both).  In any case, being the first Homo Sapien in a region does not entitle you to that land in this world....sorry, you're going to have to stop #crying and man up.

The Right To Property

As you read, please understand I am not getting ready to bash any #race of people because I'm made up of about 4 or 5 of them.  All races have been known to take another's property, even though we have more extensive records of take overs by certain races.  It seems evident that there is a propensity of some races to take over other people's property, but we must ask ourselves the question -- what causes a group of people to be easily conquerable?  I believe a people with  shared values and culture; shear numbers; #immunity to many diseases; organization; and willingness to die for their people would be difficult to conquer.

Unfortunately, good #leadership and better followers are hard to find amongst certain races of people because of inherent jealousy, rebellion and other generational curses, hence the more organized races tend to take power -- each race is, of course, just one really large family.  Please understand I am not racist!  I believe in reincarnation for some people [Malachi 4:5] so many have probably been a part of other races at one time or another!  Unfortunately our physical propensities and environmental influences typically override soul evolution -- even when we return as angels [Hebrew 13:2] :).

With regard to immigration in America, specifically of #Mexicans and South Americans into the US, it will be interesting to note what #Latinos think about being the #descendants of the indigenous population of America with all of us other folks in the backyard that is rightfully theirs.  Quik caviat -- Some of these indigenous Indians were #African and no, they were not run away slaves.  They were black men who came from Africa to the eastern coasts of the Americas, some of which were captured, put into slavery and THEN many ran away back to their homes, but that also, is another blog post -- and the humps on the upper parts of OUR #noses prove it (I said humps, not hooks).
However, the question remains:  What, if anything, will they do about all of the 'true immigrants from across the oceans in the last 1,000 years' (because in my opinion, if you did not have ancestors in a location 1,000 years ago, you are an immigrant -- it is called the #1,000yearrule) and how will America fair as a result of their actions?

Who's Living in America?

By 2015 America will be predominantly populated by non-Native Americans in ratios which follow per US Census projections:

Whites - 61.8%
Latinos - 17.8% (one of the true indigenous race of the Americas)
African-Americans - 13.2% (a large portion of these people are of the true indigenous races of the Americas
Asian - 5.3%
Multi-racial - 2.6%

As of the 2010 US Census, there were 5.2 million Native Americans, however they are not counted above as they are not considered part of America, persay.

With regard to immigration in America, and in light of Homo Sapien tendencies throughout world #history, the questions that I ask myself are:

  1. If the majority of the people who are living in America are not of the bloodlines of the indigenous races, how do they have the right to refuse bloodlines of the indigenous races entry into this country?
  2. Is there a #statuteoflimitations (either national or international) for the descendants of indigenous races to challenge land takeover by imperialist governments, specifically when the crime of this takeover is so well documented AND is there an international court consisting of reps from ALL countries of the world, in which to try these cases?
  3. If said indigenous race did charge imperialist governments with a crime, does the world community feel that the native race is prepared to take over the countries that they claim, when perceived in the light of contributions to world advancement?  Does said race want to take over the country they claim or are they just wanting free entrance and citizenship that is easily proven by DNA and blood tests, when compared with recognized native Americans?
  4. Do we, meaning the world population, agree that the right to #migrate to, inhabit, own, and become a legal #citizen of a piece of land should not be based on bloodlines, but that the land should be granted to those who are best able to use it?  If we do believe this, who defines what the words 'best able to use it' mean?

My Opinion - Stand Up or be Sat Down!

Truthfully speaking, I don't think we should expect any armies from Africa, Brazil, China, Japan, Iran, Mongolia, Saudi Arabia, or India to cross the waters to run to the rescue of any group of people who's land is being confiscated for imperial-type reasons -- these countries have their own problems and create armies to defend themselves on their own lands.  The only time they might fly over here on a kamikaze mission is for revenge or to prove a point if someone is attacking them in their territory, but typically they will only fight on their own lands and they already know they are going to die when they do the kamikaze mission -- they just want to make a statement.

As the world gets smaller, we may go from coalitions to an actual world army, but until then, this is how it is.  With regard to immigration, each nation is going to have to fight for what it believes in on its own land because these are OUR issues since we're here.  If people feel that something is due to them, but they are too weak (mentally or physically) to do anything about it, then they will lose and it will just be too bad unless the Universe herself, El Elyon or our Mother Gaia decides to correct it.  Based on how things have gone in years past, one of Them typically does, but it takes a REALLY long time, HOWEVER, based on current birth rates, it may not be much longer!