Re-Embrace True Love Day – September 23rd
Bring Back the Love!
September 23rd– Re-Embrace True #Love Day
Symbol: The White Lily (as given in a dream on 9/10/15)
Theme: God is Love and so am I -- the greatest Force in the Universe.
Song: The Greatest Love of All – George Benson
The Balance of Love — Poem
Though the dark is needed to exist beside the light,
the latter also must thrive and remain before our sight.
Balance is necessity, it breeds a calmer sea.
Focus too much on one side and peace will cease to be.
For myself I ask to see good life as once before,
making choices that enrich and fill me to the core.
Sensitivity I welcome you — before me reappear,
cleanse the organs of deceit, wipe them pure and clear.
Each September 23rd, let us re-embrace true love with its challenges, the requirement for commitment, all of the good and bad, its fruitfulness and need to be.
This is one holiday that you can celebrate every day of the year!
As a collective body — let us return to #Romantic #Love on this day and practice ALL other types of love as well. If you would like — you can take it through to the #Supermoon — from September 23th – 27th, 2015.
What Should You Do on this Day?
1. Focus on love that is lifelong and share something that you have with someone else.
2. Give random, inexpensive, homemade cards, picked wild flowers and gifts.
3. Tell three people you love them and mean it. Hug them if you have access to them.
4. Spend some time meditating on, praying about, facing and resolving issues surrounding deeds that we have done to ourselves and to others as a result of what was done to us.
5. Go to couples therapy and save your #relationship.
6. Sit down with the kids and give them a chance to voice how they feel about #broken relationships or visit your children that you do not live with.
7. Create an official relationship with someone that you expect to be committed to. Make it about someone else and celebrate that day going forward.
8. Reestablish your #innocence by revisiting healthy childhood dreams and manifest a miracle by this time next year.
9. Do not say or think anything in judgement with regard another person. Accept all for who they are.
10. Go out of your way for someone.
11. Remove all fear from your mind and offer unconditional tolerance.
12. Get along with your mate’s other child’s mother and vice versa.
13. Hear Ye, Hear Ye! Thirteen is no longer an unlucky number. The 13th suggestion is to LOVE YOURSELF!
In America, some of us scoff at middle eastern women for covering their faces and we look down upon families who take a part in choosing mates for their children, but look at what we have become. Many men and women have had so many lovers that they become bored with their spouses within 9 months of marriage.
In this country, we are rampant with diseases of the sexual organs. People are now being jailed for ridiculous reasons and paying prices that do not equate to the crime. Prisons are contributing to the erosion of love.
Women of all races run to surgeons and hair stores to create walking mannequins that replace who they really are as humans thereby relegating many men to a distaste for real human women.
This country was built on the backs of those that were products of rape and sexual immorality. Those of African decent were thrown into beds with whoever would produce the best seed and many women poisoned their wombs, creating generational curses that exist to this day, and they were not allowed to legally partner. Civilizations such as these leave a long term sting.
I have heard there is even consideration to create a sexual preference for innocents — a distasteful preference and one on top of which the current religious system is built on.
We gorge on animal flesh, which is ridden with hormones and our children reach puberty too early, before they are mentally ready to handle it.
Though the prostitute is an age-old figure, she has now made her way into our living rooms, sitting on the lap of the young, and also the elderly and a little blue pill. All of this has eroded the concept of coupling and love.
WE turn our backs on each other in ego-driven fits of selfishness, leaving the children in the middle of a tug of war, with little hands trying to clean up grown up messes with their tears. Everyone is using everyone like toilets. Release, wipe, flush. Release, wipe, flush, but where is the love?
The mammals and birds of prey have a better understanding of what love is than we do, so what does that make us. Dammit my roosters will spit out food and call to the hens to eat before they do. I envy my hens with their protective counterparts….lol.
Correct, some of us are the animals now.
Today, I have been grieved….maybe I am feeling someone’s break up pain or a child’s pain — or my own. We blame the diaspora and we seek the next top model look alike and who can feel/fill us up the best, ……………….BUT, at what point can true love give us bliss in and of itself.
We gotta get back to life because the balance is off …….Ase!
Re-embrace True Love
September 23rd