How would you explain calculus to a four year old, and how would they, in turn, explain it to their four year old friends? The same way you explain Christ to New Agers -- carefully...
In the Beginning...
Many higher level #Astral #Beings (#Elohim or God Spirits) created the heavens and the earth -- at least the part of the heavens that are contained inside the dome of the lumpy earth (that we have been erroneously shown is completely spherical). The leader of particularly conscious, energy beings, a #Shapeshifting Ancestor (Ezekiel 1:10) who called himself The One Who Exists (I Am or YHVH or #Jehovah) was a representative (or descendant) of the ALL (highest level Sephiroth known as Kether on the Tree of Life, which exist above the veil [El Elyon]). Though El is not necessarily the All or complete Energy or Complete Light of the Universe, El is considered the first and most powerful Emanation, known by many names: El, Allah, Olu,etc. El exists and has an empire, home or abode as human spirits do. The development of these beings are adequately described in certain books within the Nag Hammadi Library.Ordinarily, we cannot commune directly with the Divine Original Emanation, Creator or First Manifested Unseen Universal Conscious Intelligence. Therefore I will refer only to His Children, also called Sons and Daughters of El, Orisha, Land Lords/Owners, Representatives, Staff, Emissaries, Angels, Emanations, Principalities, etc. There are many of them all over the Universe.
One of El's sons, Jehovah, the Feline Astral Being slash storm and warlord owned the area that we call Judah, which is why he was called the Lion of Judah. You see back in those days, animals and humans could be one being, and Kings were known as Lions. Also, even to this day, some animals still share quite a bit of DNA with humans. Keep in mind our descriptions of Jehovah were given 1000s of years ago so the four-faced head Ezekiel described could have been a nice, engraved helmet or even some type of Transformer.
One of El's sons, Jehovah, the Feline Astral Being slash storm and warlord owned the area that we call Judah, which is why he was called the Lion of Judah. You see back in those days, animals and humans could be one being, and Kings were known as Lions. Also, even to this day, some animals still share quite a bit of DNA with humans. Keep in mind our descriptions of Jehovah were given 1000s of years ago so the four-faced head Ezekiel described could have been a nice, engraved helmet or even some type of Transformer.
Spiritual Wars, Astral Competition and Land Battles Have Always Occurred on Earth.
As mentioned above, Jehovah, who likely evolved to some degree via name syncretism, was not without competition here on this planet because other Nature/Astral Beings from other Planets and locations in and outside the #Galaxy also had access to Earth. At that time the people practiced monolatry - belief in the existence of many gods but with the consistent worship of only one deity, usually based on geographic location. However, war and takeovers of land were and are always preeminent. Similarly, other countries such as Africa had their own gods of the land, however it was well known they were not the Most High Emanation.Abraham worshipped El. Moses was introduced to Yhwh or Jehovah and spiritually trained by the Midianites, a people of color. Though Jehovah told Moses that he had changed his name from El, which is how he'd introduced himself to Abraham, it is up to you to determine whether or not that was true.
Jehovah and his brothers and sisters picked humans to rule for them and watch over the land. These gods enjoyed blood sacrifice and required worship from the people who inhabited their portion of earth.
Jehovah and his brothers and sisters picked humans to rule for them and watch over the land. These gods enjoyed blood sacrifice and required worship from the people who inhabited their portion of earth.
There were #Watchers sent from higher dimensions of existence to oversee the newly created earth beings. These Watchers reported directly to El, hence the name Ang - el. some of them bore children with men, some of whom we refer to as the 1st Dynasty of #Pharoahs and ancient heroes or mighty men of valour. Per the Book of Enoch, many of them were destroyed in the flood and their spirits were left to roam the earth as evil spirits because they did not qualify to be with the human dead or with El. As you can see, the Bible refers to several different classes of spiritual beings.
Some say humans were created from DNA mixes with these Watchers, Lords, etc., and taught by the Astral Beings of #Nibiru (#Sumerian Gods), which could be another name for the Watchers. Many ancient societies, not only the Jews on who's mythology the bible is based, had stories and understandings of deity because we must remember these Lords were all over the earth, not only in the Middle East.
Keep in mind that no matter which planet an alien comes from, or how intelligent they are, they are NOT the Most High Emanation.
Also, Yhwh or Jehovah was not necessarily the most powerful of the Land Owners for as you can see in II Kings 3, the god of Moab [Chemosh] took him on and defeated him for the small price of the blood and life of a Moabite prince. This is also recounted in the famous Mesha Stele, which references the time of these battles at about 840 BC.
Ultimately, the Watchers that procreated and taught humans were supposedly punished, but keep in mind, this is generally where various cultures disagree -- this is purely from Jewish mythology. Also, Jehovah, who was a son of El, decided to look for a group of people that would be loyal to him, but keep in mind, the Flood was obviously ordered by El and everybody was not destroyed AND the Watchers and other Deities still existed, so what would stop them from having other children? Only a couple of the Watchers, the Chiefs, were locked away. Everyone else was left to roam free and wait for the final Judgment.
Simple DNA Upgraded Animal Beings called Humans Morph Their Relationships with Land Lords into Religions and Other 'Spiritual' Systems'
Pretty soon the base level of the animal natures took over the humans and their added intelligence made things even worse. Jehovah's original people began worshipping other gods and animals like cattle (Sagittarians) and snakes (Reptilians/Scorpions) and he was not happy. They also began worshipping the Watchers (because if they didn't, they'd be killed). Some of the Watchers taught them advanced scientific practices for personal gain -- currently, we call this reading, writing and magick.Ultimately, the Watchers that procreated and taught humans were supposedly punished, but keep in mind, this is generally where various cultures disagree -- this is purely from Jewish mythology. Also, Jehovah, who was a son of El, decided to look for a group of people that would be loyal to him, but keep in mind, the Flood was obviously ordered by El and everybody was not destroyed AND the Watchers and other Deities still existed, so what would stop them from having other children? Only a couple of the Watchers, the Chiefs, were locked away. Everyone else was left to roam free and wait for the final Judgment.
It is not clear whether this new beginning was worldwide or regional, though many cultures have stories of a flood or of water covering the earth. It is also unclear, which genetic bloodline originally belonged to Jehovah, though we know who currently claims to be 'the chosen'.
The Galactic Federation, who I'd like to refer to as the first created humanoid beings who are not Angels or Gods, have likely interfered with human kind (as we do now with our own kind and other species). Could be for many reasons to include:
Milky Way Security Steps In
A new rep was sent down to remind everyone that the true purpose of incarnation is translation into a new body (#DNA upgrade) and ascension to a higher dimension (living with El on the New Earth). The old laws, customs and monolatric rituals were scrapped for a more personalized experience with El via his human representative or Son and Chief Emissary, Jesus Christ, however, this story is purely Jewish.The Galactic Federation, who I'd like to refer to as the first created humanoid beings who are not Angels or Gods, have likely interfered with human kind (as we do now with our own kind and other species). Could be for many reasons to include:
- They need resources from Earth and don't want it destroyed.
- They still live here, under the seas, on the Moon or deep inside the Earth so they have a vested interest here.
- They plan to move here as soon as their own planet's resources are depleted.
Whatever the reason, we must understand they are NOT God or El.
A Scientific Explanation of Being Filled with the Holy Ghost
In summary, there are numerous types of non physical Beings of Power. They have rank depending upon their age and type. Based on my study of Jesus Christ, he held disdain for the god of the Jews and preached use of Divine Energy and worship of the Highest Emanation, called El or Theos according to new testament translations.
Jesus also introduced a new concept called The Holy Ghost, which is a Spirit that lives inside righteous humans to comfort, empower, teach and strengthen them. The Holy Spirit is considered to be one of the highest aspects or Emanations from El, but quite truthfully, humans don't know much about this family of beings.
What we do know is that humans can overcome the 3rd dimensional earth colony by releasing themselves from physical base animal desires. If they do this and become very prayerful or consecrated through meditation on righteousness, then they can raise their vibration and be imparted with this Holy Ghost [55+ G] or a measure of the Unseen Universal Intelligence, which results in a faster DNA and energy upgrade, and which qualifies humans for a higher dimensional body more quickly than reincarnation of the Buddhists, Hindus or adherents of African Traditional Religions. The first of the upgrades happened on the Day of Pentecost, which is why the system is known as #Pentecostalism. In this system you can also quickly learn the speech of the Unseen Universal Intelligence during your upgrade (speaking in tongues).
Jesus Tried to Explain a New Universal System, but Many Still Don't Get It.
Jesus said everyone on earth could perform the same works as him and even greater. He said the Father of the Jews was a devil and murderer in John 8:44. He clearly distinguished between his God and the others from the Old Testament books.He also introduced a new concept: A human can regress and be demoted if they mentally allow themselves to go back to the base nature (backslide), however they could be upgraded by accepting the Holy Spirit, which is a High Emanation of El that is available to Human Spirits. Some people decided to remain with the Land Lords and to worship them and other earth energies (#voodoo and ancestral worship), not realizing that if the humans themselves practiced Universal Law, the earth energies would have to serve them. This was the way it was suppose to work in the original Garden stories.
We are now faced with redefining who we [humans] are with the advent of new scientific technologies, advances in metaphysics and more archaeological discoveries. Talk of a New World Religion has emerged and we will have to wait to see what becomes of it.
We are now faced with redefining who we [humans] are with the advent of new scientific technologies, advances in metaphysics and more archaeological discoveries. Talk of a New World Religion has emerged and we will have to wait to see what becomes of it.
It is clear to me that mentalism is not enough. There are too many powerful entities that do it better than we do -- you have to tap into a higher power. It is my opinion that most Christians have no idea who or which God they are worshipping, due to Biblical mistranslations, which is why, in many cases, Christianity is not working for them.