It Seems Impossible to Build a Fortress on a Shaky Foundation

Perpetuating the Pain
Every human needs someone or something that they can trust, believe in and depend on. Babies cry to test their parents just to see if mommy or daddy will respond each time they call out to them. We believe our pastors and priests are perfect, walking in love and perpetual perfection. This is the beginning of foundation building -- we are raising the structure that we will live in for the rest of our lives......this structure is called ourselves. Let's see what happened with Brittany....Brittany had spent the first 16 years of her life thinking she was too pretty. Her rosy cheeks, long, curly hair and pubescent eyes had drawn unwanted attention from her father, and jealous envy from her mother. She had secretly trashed all of the gifts and beautiful things Daddy had purchased for her and had vowed to run away when she was 17, which she did, only to feel lost, alone, sad, depressed, and starved. Her entire world began to crumble all around her. She could not go home, remembering the intense fear and feelings of disgust brought on by her awful stepfather. However, she was too young to fend for herself and had not completed her education in an effort to get away quickly. When she walked the streets at night, dirty and disheveled, no one could see her. No one offered help.
Brittany stumbled into a woman's shelter and lied about her age, telling them she had run away from a young, abusive husband. They believed her because she was overly developed from the years of sexual abuse and abortions so they allowed her in, let her shower, and offered her the pick of the clothes closet.
Brittany carefully chose a short, jean mini skirt with a white button down top which she could tie into a knot just above her navel. She also picked up some red lipstick because she had planned to hit the road again when everyone was asleep. Perhaps she could meet a new friend, someone who would be willing to take care of her -- make her a part of their family. She was pretty sure that everything would be okay and that she'd find someone.....Daddy had always liked her in mini skirts and red lipstick. If it worked for him, it would work for someone else.
Sometimes You Go Back to What You Know and Trust, But You Don't Have To.
In the above story, Brittany, though experiencing a truly horrifying ordeal in her childhood, ended up going right back to what she knew and trusted. Her dad had requested that she dress a certain way and had given her food and gifts in exchange. She'd tried the church, but the women rejected her because she was too pretty and the men liked her too much. She was not accepted anywhere except for strip clubs, which paid her nicely. She had learned what was expected of her, what she was obviously good at. The lipstick and minis never failed her...they were the two things she could depend on for sustenance. She had found what worked so why did she hate herself?Innate Behaviors Can be Squashed.
We inherently know what is right and wrong from childhood. We understand love and war, happiness and anger. Actually, it is absolutely nothing for a child to dig their teeth into the arm of another who has what they want or is doing what they don't like. Yes....the art of war is inbred.Unfortunately we soon learn that the love we most earnestly need is not available, more often than not. We learn that Mommy's and Daddy's feelings come before our needs and sometimes what helps them cope or makes them feel good doesn't make us feel good. The saddest thing about how other people make us feel, is that the events are so frequent that we learn to trust them instead of Christ. We begin traveling the spiral of pain and disappointment, looking for the feeling of security that is naturally desired and we turn to the situations that we know, but which have no power to fulfill us.
Help Me! What Do I Do With This Mental Program of Pain?
We must accept one fact that is not inbred in the human mind. That fact is, while we are here on this earth, in this flesh, what we believe is what affects us most. That's right. We cannot make any other human being, specifically not an adult, do what we want or feel what we want them to feel. At least we can't without hypnotising them. People change, grow, have their own pains, etc., and sometimes they are just not available to us, however we always have ourselves.
The only foundation that we have comes with us when we are born...It is the God, Spirit, Dunamis Power, Energy, Superconsciousness that we bring with us. We can use this to tap into the greater Power to sustain us while we are here. Anything else is not to be depended upon, it is just the icing on the cake.
Say and do the following in order to position yourselves in the best possible way to be self-sufficient:
I do not take the Bible as an end all be all, however there is some Universal wisdom within its pages and I believe the following concept, is one of those nuggets. We are God and God is in us, meaning the Universal Manifestation of Spirit, so hear the Universal Message. :)
- I forgive others, for they can't help who they are, and who they are (the perverted mental/generational programming) has nothing to do with me and cannot affect the superconsciousness inside of me.
- I position myself to be the best that I can be by paying attention in class in order to complete my education and by finding positive role models who are doing what I want to do.
- I raise my energy through the practice of discipline, meditation or prayer so that I can control my mind, thereby controlling my destiny.
- I show myself friendly and allow people to be who they are, however, if who they are becomes detrimental to me, I will cut the ties.
- I surround myself with a mixture of people to include ones who are already where I want to be.
- I take great care of myself and practice being comfortable in my own skin and with my own company, ensuring that I get the proper nourishment and rest. If my friends ask me to go out at a time I have set aside for myself, I will tell them I have another engagement........a date with myself.
- I am extremely careful about what is programmed into my mind, i.e. television, movies, books, media, etc. My mind is easily programmable and requires protection because it is the gateway to the God in Me.
- I invest time in children or other people who need me in order to help them to heal areas of their lives that are broken.
I do not take the Bible as an end all be all, however there is some Universal wisdom within its pages and I believe the following concept, is one of those nuggets. We are God and God is in us, meaning the Universal Manifestation of Spirit, so hear the Universal Message. :)
Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the outflowings of life.