Too Much to Do and No Time to Do It? Here are Seven Vital Ways to Help Creatives Focus on One Thing at a Time.

Some of you have two or more 6s in your birthdays.  You have no idea how difficult that can be for you...

Creative Minds Will Never Stop Creating -- Doers Will Never Stop Doing

There are billions of people who are hungry for the next great song, the next bestselling book, their next meal or that new and upcoming blockbuster movie.  You need not worry yourselves about how you as a creator will continually come up with fodder for public consumption, except for the fact that you must force yourself to sleep at night, and that your only stumbling block is usually something like how many ounces of artificial tears remain in the tiny bottle on your desk.  It is time for you to prioritize and to give your self permission to stamp some products as "DISCARD".

In this entry, I will make astrological and numerological references, the latter of which is explained in detail in a wonderful primer by D. J. Ward called Numerology for Teachers(AD).

Do you remember being nine months pregnant and nine centimeters dilated, and if not, do you know anyone who was? If you do, then you understand the life of a creative person, and that life is bolstered at times by astrological aspects and creative days when the rest of the world gets a whiff of what you eat, live and breathe each day. Your baby is ready and must come, and over and over again!

Your Dreams are Vivid and in Color

During REM sleep you hide behind astral rocks and doorways inside actual Dream Studios, feeling as if you have been up all night, though your rumpled hair and bed sheets testify that you have indeed slept.  In your dreams you hide behind couches in living rooms of real people and eavesdrop on conversations, that you should not be privy to.

Read the book Stephen King conceived while dreaming!(AD)

You may have been accused of releasing drones into government offices to discover their latest secrets.....but are just a true creative, and if you are in any way magickal, it is even worse.

The Responsibility of a Creative Mind is the Same as Any Other Leader

You have the responsibility of presenting the information that was revealed to you in a way that teaches people because yes, you have a responsibility even in the creative realms to research, teach, train, and catapult others to higher spiritual levels.  If your revelation is damaging to mankind in general, you are as a doctor who innoculates babes with untested serums.

There is no such thing as fiction.  Even if a story or concept is seemingly made up, once the energy is exhausted, it will soon become corporeal.  Seeing that there is no new information under the sun, likely it has already happened and will soon occur again, and must be handled with care.  
If government officials, who are linked to the Illuminati or extraterrestrials, could identify all of you truly gifted ones, they could infect you with their own agendas.  

Learn about Project MK Ultra and mind control technologies.(AD)

These influences must be resisted, and this requires assistance, which is also a responsibility of the creative mind.

Focus on The One Thing at a Time is Crucial for Continued Success

Despite the fact that a single six in your birthday provides for creativity, and two or three sixes makes you borderline looney, you must still earn a living, at least until your creative efforts pay off.  In this case, occult lore and knowledge teach you to focus on one thing at a time so as not to diffuse your efforts and sabotage your own successes.  This can be very difficult to do when you have numerous ideas floating around in your head and you can't decide, which is best.

Yes, it can be difficult if you do not practice mental control, but once you do focus on one thing at a time and see lone projects through to completion, you will find that your life becomes more streamlined and happy. Some of the following tips may help to slow things down a bit:

  1. Despite the fact that creativity is burning alive inside you, take time to do rituals in the morning. It will help to ground and focus you and keep you from letting your mind run away.
  2. Refuse to begin work without at least a biannual plan.  Write down what you will focus on and then come up with a more detailed plan(AD) on how that will be accomplished, with goals, objectives and deadlines that are far enough away to not to be stressful.
  3. Once you have written down your vision, take a break from it and come back and look at it another day.  Is it still heartfelt?  Do you regret having created it?  If after a couple of weeks, you do not, then proceed with it. If you are a blogger, give yourself at least 24 hours before publishing new material after it is complete.
  4. While you are waiting to revisit your creative baby, educate yourself in your field of expertise by understanding your peers and competition; getting to know your audience/customer; delving into history; and practicing to become as perfect at what you do as any human can be.
  5. Most everything can be improved. Let someone who is not in your field review your more complex masterpieces and consider taking their advice. Each producer is responsible for their product being understood or usable.
  6. Take breaks and periodic vacations.  You pride yourself in doing what you love so nothing is work to you and you eat and breathe your home office.  Try not to do that.
  7. Create and release creations on certain days.  Numerology and astrology are of vital importance and you could be releasing a most noble creation on a waning moon where the Sun is hidden and Uranus has everyone's mind on something else.  Now your wonderful masterpiece is never fully known because you did not 'fully know'.  Make it your business to understand times, seasons, numbers and astrological aspects(AD).
Hopefully this advice helps you to become a better creator and remember, Rome was not built in a day, or so we're told.