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We Recognize that There is a Need for a Higher Standard of Living

- Many Christians are unaware of the true history of religion, syncretism and the Bible, as well as the Bible’s influence on metaphysical tools such as the tarot OR how the Bible was influenced by Ancient Egyptian texts. The New World Spirituality (NWS) must incorporate accurate history and herstory based on scientific evidence and biblical prophetic accuracy.
- In reading about Jesus, it seems that the typical evangelical would kick him out of their churches if he were to incarnate as a man and visit today as he did 2,000 years ago. NWS must incorporate the true character and intentions of all ancient mystics that have contributed to human spiritual growth.
- Basically all of the non-Christian methods of prophecy are used in the Bible (demonstrative, declarations, lots, mediumship) so which came first, the chicken or the egg? All forms of prophetic inquiry and utterances should be equally respected. This includes the power of the ‘human multitude’.
- The very fierce and vocal God of the old testament must have had a MAJOR change of heart, especially since the new testament is a completely different book that features a totally different God who is mostly quiet, uninvolved and much more lenient. It does not help that Jesus clearly told temple priests that they were of the devil in John 8:44. Haphazard gumbos of spiritual texts must be taken apart and put in their proper perspectives and places. People must know the origins, backdrop, writer, etc. of the books they are reading within the Bible.
- Each culture throughout the world has their own ancient creation story. Christianity must teach that the main theology or mythology of the current Christian bible is from a Jewish cosmological perspective. All unpublished religious texts of repute, which reveal this should be sanctioned in traditional churches.
- Societal culture cannot be confused with spirituality because culture changes where spirituality remains a constant. Teachings of people like Peter, Paul and some others, should be colored in blue or brown (as optional reading) since any one of us who are intent on doing well, could have written the same or better, and since most people ignore or explain away their teachings. Quite honestly the canon needs to be revamped.
A Foundation and Purpose of an Improved Religion to Usher in the True KINGDOM
- We realize that the average human has the potential to plunge into quite a bit of spiritual darkness so something is needed to help keep us motivated, elevated, illuminated and walking on the right path towards soul Ascension.
- We acknowledge that the ancients developed various forms of spirituality and that each of these forms, to some extent, influenced the traditional religions of the current day, and were all vehicles to take us to the same destination.
- We understand that modern instruments and theories may help us to understand the invisible world, and they should prove, moreso than disprove, that a Superior Mind is behind it all.
- We realize that this Superior Mind is the Creator, not using manual hands, but Divine Words and Mind Power, and that all of this Power lives in us to a lesser degree, as evidenced by the life of Jesus the Christ, and with potential for growth.
- Evil will be permanently abolished. We know that there are some very unfortunate, long-term, recurrent and painful circumstances that can arise in the lives of those of us who choose wrong living. This is not to be mistaken with the aforementioned sentence. We should lend our thoughts to righteous, perpetual living. It is the responsibility of religious educators all over the world to study all forms of righteous texts to provide a more complete answer of what happens to a soul in eternity.
- We know that the Ten Commandments are based on the Universal Law and that these Laws are not always literal, but are to be interpreted using discernment and wisdom according to individual circumstances.
- We understand that there are Intelligent Beings in the world that have been put into place to keep this great spaceship called Earth running, however all of these Beings utilize a similar FORCE and are subject to various ranks and not necessarily to be worshipped, though they should all be respected. Elohim means more than one deity figure.
- We know that the people who wrote the current Bible did not have access to verifiable facts and the scientific equipment that we have today. They wrote based on the knowledge they had at the time. We also know that the Bible has been tampered with by governmental rulers. We must read the writings with discernment in light of the times in which they were written, understanding the writers were human and subject to err as we are with our misunderstood mathematical calculations.
- We accept the fact that there are signs and wonders on and in the earth, and that Angels and Spiritual Beings will visit us in various forms. Though they should be respected, they are not to be worshipped.
- After much trial and error, we realize that some of the old warnings about delving into the workings of Spiritism, were put in place to protect us from darkness since some of these spirits are not ones that we would have ever invited into our homes for dinner when they were in the body. Spirits are discerned by the energy in which they travel and what they leave behind. Spirits have a specific nature; curious, needy, as well as contrary, and only those persons who are filled with righteous discernment and a wealth of Godly knowledge, courage and power, should deal directly with them. Spirits are made of a different corporeal substance than humans, but do have bodies.
- We understand that individual worship and study is necessary, however accountability is needed when dealing with higher levels of spiritual practices and growth. Smaller study groups are preferred as it leads to diversity and prevents ‘monkey see, monkey do’ mass errors and misinterpretations. Spirit has expressed a love for diversity in many systems as exemplified in zoology, biology, geography, humanity, chemistry, etc. This is by no means a promotion of segregation, but moreso a celebration of individuality and how it advances group thought.
- We believe in reincarnation into higher dimensional bodies and eternal life. As our souls evolve we can elevate out of the cycle of physical life into a more fulfilling and higher level of soul-body (sole) existence, which enjoys life even moreso than human bodies.
Now What?
For those of you who have lived by and understood the 12 prior statements, it is time for you to create leaders and places of understanding to help others to evolve into this mature form of Spirituality. I won’t say that we have to overly market ourselves, but we do need to be available and present for the students who are ready for the paradigm shift.