When the (AD)Roman Emperor Augustus
He came up with an ingenious plan to combine all of the religions and create a new religious state. By the way, Jesus is said to have been born right at about the same time so new factions were evolving in addition to the old pagan beliefs. There has been a commitment by men to keep the average Joe/Jane from knowing the full Truths of the Holy Books of the world and the mystic nature of Jesus' teachings, which are shrouded, even now, in the current bible. Some educated men and women, including spiritual and political leaders, have made the decision that the general population will not be able to handle the truth, which they call Full Disclosure.
This decision to condone partial knowledge has left many unanswered questions and caused numerous people to become atheists because of what they cannot understand and what no one, up until now, has been able to explain because the more enlightened souls have been lumped into the same category as the generally unlearned. Others have missed out on prosperity, healing and success because they walk in half-truths and ignorance. The Universe is grieved by this agenda and wants many more to know the Truth in a greater measure of fullness.
This year, many renowned, respected mouthpieces of God [preachers] will be compelled to expound on some very new variations of what we know to be the truth.
They will be compelled to publicly accept and teach Universally-revealed knowledge that will set people free.
We will begin to understand the true nature of "inspired" writers of the Bible.
Teachers will reveal that the fallible nature of the gospels was not intentional or malicious, just incomplete -- and that this incompletion was done on purpose so that no one group could claim to be the authority and also to create One Sovereign State.
Many long-asked questions will be answered resulting in a number of atheists publicly accepting spirituality for the first time.
Even the term 'spirit' as we know it will begin to be measurable using scientific equipment.
Scriptures that are currently in the Catholic canon, will be brought to new light based on ancient Sumerian(AD)
Scriptures that are currently in the Catholic canon, will be brought to new light based on ancient Sumerian(AD)
Bits and pieces of the gnostic gospels and other sacred texts will be used to expound truth to mainstream Christians. People will begin to realize that no one group of people has a patent or copyright on the Truth of "God" and the creation theory. They will understand pieces of Truth were given to many men and women throughout the ages and from various countries and time periods -- there were many "in the beginnings".
The time has come for all of this information to be brought together so that the people of the future will have even more revelation than we have now, thereby living more fulfilled lives.
Institutions, such as the Catholic Church
(AD), will find that some of the truths that have been hidden in vaults, will be spiritually revealed so that we may all know.
The veil of ignorance will be lifted and many people will have the opportunity to live more fulfilled lives. This will lead to a global unity that will help to usher in the coming of peace and the end of the age of ignorance.
Let it be.