What Were the Elohim Thinking When They Created Man?


You Can Take the Front Door or Come in Through the Back Window.

At the end of the day, all roads lead to the same destination.....within the house.

People say that Jordan B. Peterson lectures in a manner that allows you into his private space to hear him have an enlightened conversation with himself. When I watch him talk, I see that he is doing just that and saying what so many would not think to say because they have not been exposed to what he has been. Also, when I see him talk, I cannot help, but think this is the type of conversation the Elohim had with themselves when they created man.

Perhaps this is why the True and Living God was enamored with archetypes such as Abram, Moses and Job because he saw in them a part of himself that he could better appreciate externally.

This year I will share with you thoughts of other persons who have or still are finding their way through what it means to exist in light of deity. In the early days of this e-zine, I did not want to open my readers up to too many other voices, because I wanted you to ask yourself the hard questions that you may have been afraid to ask previously. However at this point, there is enough information on this blog, and in my other one, for you to delve into new thought to inform good opinions and ideas.

Enjoy this lecture, which I think has a lot of good information in it for those who are exploring their spirituality.

Not everyone knows how to think or even read for that matter, especially not in English -- there are some whose brains won't allow them to due to learning disabilities. When you hear a thinker express his/her thoughts and tell you what they've read, it sparks revelations within you. Hopefully, that is what this video will do for the viewers.

Read renowned psychologist Jordan B Peterson's best-selling book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos. [ad]