Spirituality is About More Than Your Relationship to the Most High God.
Spirituality plays a huge role in your family life, culture, personal beliefs, political backdrop, etc. It is extremely difficult for people to go against the status quo and pursue rival lifestyles or religions, therefore most will conform and adopt the beliefs of the masses.
If you live in the western world, you know that Christianity is still the order of the day with British-inspired Wicca taking the award for the fastest growing religion in America. Perhaps you feel a strong connection to Abrahamic religions, and if you are African-American, it would be logical to reject it for many reasons. I have recently written an article in another e-zine that can help you to understand your strong affinity to the Middle Eastern derived God of Abraham.
Many Aspects of Your Culture are Worthy of Love, Not Just One.
Never berate yourself for whatever spiritual culture you gravitate to. There are certain things we know about all religions:
- Despite the number of deities in a particular belief system, most religions lead to veneration, honor and worship of one chief Creator God.
- NO RELIGION can become a major one without the buy in of government.
- Most, if not all religions spread across the world via war and bloodshed.
- The true purpose of any spiritual system should be righteousness.