What is the Official Definition of Progressive Christianity?
There is no official definition of Progressive Christianity, but much like every other system it has some characteristics and types about it; it speaks to a natural evolution of the Christian faith in postmodern times with a focus on universal love, justice and inclusion. It cannot be completely separated from the progressive social movement, who's leaders included many persons, even Theodore Roosevelt, and, which spoke to economic, prison and public policy reforms.
As Knowledge Changes and Increases, So Does Progressive Christianity.
Many Christians have begun realizing that the complete historicity of the Bible is flawed or can't be proven as it is currently written. It appears some metaphorical allegory is included as a form of expression and was not meant to be literal.
Additionally, if you have delved into at least two different denominations of Christianity you understand the vast differences in interpretation and struggles, one of which occurs with regard to the importance of societal contribution vs loving acceptance of those in society.
Progressive Christians are more apt to take an interest in mundane politics than were Christians of the recent past who were more focused on the separation of Church and State and not on Church Nationalism. Evangelicals are sometimes put into the progressive category for this reason, however there are levels of progression that Evangelicals do not adhere to.
Homosexuality is One of the Key Issues in Defining Progressive Christian Thought.
As Progressive Christianity leans less toward dogma and law and more toward what is seemingly in the best interest of one's fellow man, homosexuality is generally accepted in Progressive circles. The Bible and its rules are not taken literally, but more as a guide with one's own heart and convictions leading the way to final choices and beliefs in love. Hell, also, is not seen as an actual place or as a general reason for right living, however common law and Universal Law from a philosophical viewpoint, is the rule of order so that you can have your best life right now.
Progressive Christianity has a New Age Focus.
Many staunch Christians who are literal Bible believers and followers go by the letter of the law and of the Church, namely the Mother Church, which was the first of all traditional, non-gnostic churches. The leaders of the Mother Church acted and do act as God, exacting or overturning law as they discern necessary at a given time.
In Progressive Christianity, many roads lead to God and there is a sense of a lack of belief in what the original and traditional leaders taught and are teaching. In this case, even Jesus' teaching was based on flawed understanding, therefore, if Jesus is God then.....you get the point.
Those of you whose focus is on traditional Christian teachings would not find Progressive Christianity to be palatable.
Which Form of Christianity Should You Choose?
You should choose what you believe or have experienced to be true. The best teacher is life itself. Ask yourself the following questions:
- Which holy book's prophecies come true? Prophecy cannot be considered prophetic unless there is a lapse of time between the prophecy, the fulfillment of the prophecy and the repetition of the prophecy. True prophecy is typically recurrent in nature.
- Does the one you pray to keep promises to you?
- Do the blessings you receive add sorrow or depression to your life?
- What personal beliefs are a struggle for you with regard to Christianity? Historically, how have people fared, who share those same beliefs?
- When God speaks to you about your life, how do you know it is God speaking?
- If everyone believed the way you do, what would happen to mankind?