Why the Alien Question Does Not Matter When It Comes to God

Some Scholars Think the Idea of Aliens Trumps the Existence of God.

Apparently scholars see the Supreme God as not a person. In doing so, scholars also deny the power of mortal man. Humans can make decrees, require obeisance, command honor, curse or bless -- so why can't an alien?

What is an Alien or Extraterrestrial?

In simplified terms, aliens or extraterrestrials are beings who live in a place other than Earth. That would definitely be the Elohim. Some say God lives in your heart. So do your family and loved ones when they are not around you. 

Webster's dictionary says the definition of extraterrestrial is originating, existing, or occurring outside the earth or its atmosphere.  Is that not the Elohim? Also, what makes El or Olu the most High is not simply living on another planet, but His Power and age.

We Must Also Deal with the Laws of Physics, the Akasha and the Matrix in Understanding the Bible.

It is simple -- we don't know all the laws or ways in which life can manifest and sustain itself. The tapestry of existence involves physical and spiritual laws, which are recorded in a tapestry of electrical impulses. Conscious beings, whether human, animal or extraterrestrial, tap into these matrices in a variety of ways, some more accurately than others due to their age, knowledge and experience, which qualifies them for higher status. They are called gods, and as we have government rulers on Earth, these gods have rulers also leading ultimately to a Supreme Being. These Beings administer over governments, organize legal systems, explore galaxies, delve into the sciences -- we are patterned after them.

Having the advantage of age, these Beings understand that evil typically leads to destruction so they use their knowledge to preserve life. They do this with rules and laws.

I don't think the Bible or other ancient texts are complicated or spooky. All it takes is awareness, an open mind and a bit of common sense to understand the gods, their hierarchy and why the world needs them to survive.

So Who Are You Suppose to Worship?

Don't get caught up into names because we all have more than one of them and our names are pronounced differently in various languages. Worship the Most High God and honor his government and hosts. It's as simple as that. Call him. He'll answer.